Hail rain or snow

By Susan Davis

My Activity Tracking


My Updates

The Grand Finale

And so I reached the finish line last weekend after extending the duration by 2 more days. The reason for the extension was that a half million steps was tantalisingly close so I decided to keep it up…..504,355  was my grand total.

It was a pleasure to walk for such a deserving cause. It appears from what I have seen in recent weeks suicide affects all age groups all over the world. I had known this to be the case but never come across the age range.

In recent weeks sadly, I personally know of two wonderful people who died tragically by suicide. They were aged 29 and 92……. Both are huge losses to their families and friends. May they rest in peace.

Suicide and self-harm tends to be hidden, there can be but there should not be any shame or stigma attached.

People with suicidal and self-harming tendencies are suffering from a mental illness….the relevant word being ILLNESS!!!!! Help can be given……..PIETA 1800 247 247 being a good place to start.

A very nice priest said at the funeral Mass for the aforementioned 29 year old who was a beautiful much loved young woman that he compared suicide to “An Aneurysm of the mind”  I thought this was a wonderful way of emphasizing that the person’s mind is not well at the given moment.

There should be more help, more money invested in mental health. It is glaringly obvious that people of all ages do and will continue in the forthcoming years, need much more help, we have to put pressure on the Government to provide more Psychiatric care services. Write to your local TD, Minister, Counsellor …..whoever……help to highlight the situation …..put pressure on them to sort out the services available.

Finally, I say Thank you to those who walked with me, those who generously donated to my current fund of €786……a little up-dating to be rectified online!!it says €746.  AND also to those who wished me well en-route…..A MILLION THANKS.

Never ever be afraid to ask someone ……..Are you Okay? What’s  the worst that can happen??? They are okay……..happy days ……but if they are not You might be just the person to steer them in the right direction .

ASK AND REFER 1800247247


Ye were brilliant – Thank you






13th to 25th Day and hardly a drop of rain

So just to reassure you fantastic sponsors I have walked every day - far further than I ever intended with my furthest to date being 24,006.
A little reminder the objective here is to raise as much money as possible for Pieta House so they can continue to offer professional help and support to anyone suffering with suicidal tendencies, self harming inclinations and also to provide assistance in whatever way is required to those affected by living life/lives with someone suffering with their mental health or sadly bereavement counselling for adults and children as required.
So a  little reminder that my walking has a purpose ....to raise Money Money Money .....as much as possible. Thank you soooo much to all you lovely folks who have given so generously already and a little nudge to anyone else who feels they can spare a fiver or more ....feel free to pop online:  https://www.feelgoodwithpieta.ie/fundraisers/susandavis
and believe me it will be put to invaluable use for someone who is unwell or someone having difficulty coping in incredibly trying circumstances. 
One third of Pieta's Clients are under 18 years of age....... I say that only to reiterate all ages suffer from mental illness be it openly or heart-breakingly  on their own.
So again if in any doubt about someone's frame of mind/ their mental health/their ability to cope.......ASK   are you okay? do you want to talk? would it help to speak to a professional? Refer them to their Doctor or directly to  Pieta....24 hour phone line open with professionally trained  people to advise and further help in every situation 1-800 247-247
So to my numbers:
Day 13 - 11,179, Day 14 - 12,889, Day 15 - 19,527, Day 16 - 11,768, Day 17 - 14,650, Day 18 - 16,667, Day 19 - 11,015, Day 20 - 14,213, Day 21 - 21,417, Day 22 - 17,150, Day 23 - 23,900, Day 24 - 19,650 and today Day 25 - 17,555.
And my thanks to my walking pals these days Helen, Anto, Lynda, Linda yep 2 of them and Una & Mary.
6 days to go to TARGET of 31 days with minimum of 10,000 steps and lots and lots of invaluable cash, lolly, dough.

Bet ye thought I gave up !!!! 9, 10, 11 & 12

Not a chance!!  Just a few internet glitches and some days with too much going on - whoever said life for retirees is not busy is an absolute fibber.
So in fact the last few days have been great with none of them giving any relevance to my blog title --- Thankfully----No Rain Hail or Snow.
Murphy is knackered, out for a quickie twice a day every day but he is over the moon to be dropped back home before the serious walking gets going. I'd never get to target if he came cos we would have a stop and sniff at literally every second tree, pillar and smell practically every leaf just in case there is some hidden grub there somewhere Ha-ha.

So to the numbers, bravely accompanied by my good pal Hilda who thought we'd be back in an hour or so on Day 9,  my final figure was 23,778 good long walk out through Westwood Club Leopardstown to Foxrock & back, this was followed on Thursday Day 10 with Linda (Mi buena amiga de mis clases de espanol) another productive day with the highest step rate yet 24,006 being routed through Stillorgan, Deerpark Mount Anville Convent & Knockrabo  before a brief adjournment in a new coffee shop "Mint" on Tress Road in a shop which was formerly my childhood family home. WEIRD sitting where what I remembered to be the huge counter which had ribbons wool and lord knows what else in Scanlan's General Drapery -- you name it -- my mother stocked it.
We'll go there again!!

So yesterday ( Dunlaoire & Monkstown) 16,595 steps along with the purchase of several now wrapped  Christmas presents and today 12,448 (just around the local blocks)were rambles on my own.
Blogs to-date have covered initially 1 day, then 2, then 3 and today 4..............at that un-intentional rate of going I'll be back to ye in 5 days if 1 foot has continued to go in front of the other.        
Finally a really important message, If you think someone you know might be feeling suicidal .......ASK them how they are, lend your ear, suggest / recommend / refer them  to PIETA ....advise them its a free service 24/7........ 365 days a year and give them the Freefone number 1800--247----247

6, 7 & 8 Not so great!!!!

So folks Day 6 started with huge intent but ended with a miserable 8,753 after succumbing to a horrible stomach bug which knocked me out from 4 pm Saturday more or less until today......Sunday counts for 175 steps to the jacks and back!!!!
So moving on-wards and upwards at a slow pace we (my feet) notched up a satisfactory 11,772 today, and hopefully my uninvited guest (bug) has left for several more years. I'm not used to being unwell which actually puts me in mind of those who through no fault of their own are unwell with their mental health --- it must be bloody tough--- i found a regular stomach bug hard to deal with. I can't even begin to imagine what must be like to suffer with your mental health ? health of the mind....... call it what you will but no matter what there is insufficient help available and in general what is available is not there 24/7 
BUT PIETA is FREEPHONE 1800 247 247 with professionally trained therapists available 24/7 365 days a year.
That's where your generous donations are going ..........so please give generously and to those of you who have already done so THANK YOU SO MUCH

2 day Cover - day 4 & 5

So Day 4 started just like Day 3 (that was yesterday in case ye can't keep up) - Met office right again - more of the wet stuff, smiling farmers all over the country!!!  
I had no choice but to head out cos there was a busy day ahead with nice things to do, a lunch catch up with Patricia & Monica(a new departure - we've met by night for years --- Jesus is this an age thing? a quiet lunch and coffee - not a sup of the queer stuff passed our lips.)
And then I had The C&E catch up -i.e. Customs & Excise --- that sorted the fore-mentioned problem - few lovely G&Ts were had with a great catch up with the bould Fred, Aidan, Padraig, Colm, Bernard & Betty. 
The downside to the busy enjoyable day was I was in negative equity by the evening -----8576 Steps leaving me 1,424 short for the day.......my girlfriends listed as "Absolutely Fabulous"  who have generously donated today will be astounded at my ability to calculate that!!!!! One miscalculation over the years ---- never hear the end of if haha.
Anyway picked up the pace today and have clocked up a nice balance in excess of daily goal which more than compensates for yesterday's deficit. Today's number is 15,230---- for those ladies that is 5,230 over target--- a second great calculation.
Thanks again to all for your fantastic support both in generosity of spirit (not alcoholic!!) and your fistful of dollars that will no doubt be put to Spectacular use  by those who know how in Pieta House ---- hopefully more lolly continues to arrive at this location  

4 Seasons in 1 day

Nothing unusual there ..... not when you live in Ireland !!! So there I was looking out the kitchen window at the rain this morning --- I decided... feic it so what its raining ... just go for it. So fully covered head to toe like Sherpa I set off on a mission from Stillorgan to Nutgrove, Rathfarnham.......rain gear on ... the lot, little haversack of bits & bobs on my back. Looked all ready for action ....down through Dundrum up the Barton road and the fairly persistent drizzle stopped..... The Met office turned off the rain and upped the heat. I was in a lather by the time I got home having also made the mistake of picking up the few messages!!! my mother used to say  "Make the one job of it" Never again when on foot!!! i'll have to get one of those Granny trolleys....NO CHANCE 
18,542 steps later I am safely home..... not bad for a mixed day. 
Thank you all so much for your support    

Wild windy beautiful Day ---Day 2

Very busy day today with one thing and another so just managed 13,338 steps 

So Hail Rain or snow begins

Today my step total currently is 22,808... a much stronger start than I anticipated. Murphy(the dog) got two walks and I also walked from Stillorgan to Blackrock and around the general area and managed to find a very nice Christmas present for my sister. 
A beautiful day...... no hail rain or snow .... for today anway

Hail Rain or Snow

The reason i am doing this challenge is because I am hearing so much lately about people and their mental health issue/s in some cases arising as a result of the pandemic. Definitely Pieta House is seeing huge increases in calls for counselling and assistance with both suicidal and self harming presenting. 
I have since 2005 held Pieta as my pet charity after my first real contact with suicide when a young 17 year old pal (Craig R.I.P)  of my family died by suicide. Subsequently a very close friend of my son Robert, (Ciaran aged 27 R.I.P.) also died by suicide. 
The need for counselling has never been greater so if you can donate even a fiver .....they all add up......I would really appreciate it.
Thanks very much

Thank you to my Supporters


Evelyn Roche

Good on ya susan!


Ruth Macken

You go girl! Close to my heart


Martha Bradley


Tom Mchugh


Rita Lahiff



Great to know you're still walking


Linda Wijntjes-doyle

Well done Susan


Ann Cassidy

Way to go Susan. Very best of luck.



Best of luck - I’ll keep me eyes peeled for ya streaking through Stillo - and I don’t mean naked ya dirt burd


Mary Woods


Catherine Brown


Helen Hemp


Marie Hogan

Best of luck Susan


Lynda Davis


Karen Byrne


Aine O'brien

keep going susan ....hail , rain or snow ❄


Katie Smith

Well done Sue


Robert Davis


Lisa Mckeever

Great cause!


Susan Sharpe

Go girl


Olive Fitzpatrick


Colette Davis