25 minutes of Self-Care for Pieta

By Aine Glynn

My Activity Tracking


Self-Care everyday in November

The idea to take part in 25 minutes of self-care on a daily basis in November came from the notion that sometimes we neglect to look after our health. We get into bad habits. Life is hectic and it can take over for whatever reasons. Believe it or not, giving yourself 25 minutes to create a space for yourself, to create new habits, can make all the difference. The time is completely yours to spend. 

Tips for Self-Care: 
Exercise, read a book or magazine, paint, listen to/play some music, take a bath, do a sea swim, write in a journal, do yoga, take an "offline" day from your phone or laptop, take an "offline" day from social media, clean your space, dance at home, take a few deep breaths, sit down, look at the stars, go to bed early or have a sleep in, say no to someone, buy yourself some flowers, brush up on your skincare routine, stretch, play a board game, get crafty, cook a nourishing meal, get dressed up, practice gratitude, drink water, watch a movie, learn or try something new. 

My Updates

The End

Big smiles! It's safe to say that this challenge taught me how important (and difficult) it can be to find even 25 minutes in the day for yourself. Practicing gratitude and kindness, especially on those messy, sad days, was also tough, but so so very worth it. I got a huge amount of satisfaction and joy from this challenge and want to thank everyone who so kindly donated. Don't be afraid to practice self-care with consistency and remember those who struggle the most. Peace and Love, Aine. ✌️ 

Day 30

Today was busy and after a whirlwind month, today is the last day of the challenge! What can I say? It's been tough, it's been rewarding, it's been... a journey. When I was journalling here daily, it gave me a sense of accountability in the challenge. When life took over and the chaos consumed me, I felt a little less motivated, which in turn made me follow through with 25 minutes a day but mannnn I have been tired. 

Day 29

Day 29 was a Monday like no other. The shops were calling so I treated myself to some retail therapy! It's real. It works! I supported local (but couldn't resist the urge to splurge online too! Cyber Monday, of course). and got a real sense of Christmas around 4 pm when it was black as soot outside. :) I also fit in a HIIT.

Day 28

Day 28 was all about being lazy but I managed to fit in some skincare. My eczema is out of control these days and I have to remember to be kind and caring to my skin, especially in the cold winter. 

Day 27

The Book of Mormon was featured on Day 27 and more importantly than that, I saw a dear friend of mine for the first time in almost 2 years! She was as gorgeous as the day I met her and we had lots of fun. Fun is wonderful for your mental health. Let's have more of that! 

Day 26

Day 26 came and went, but not without a lovely, chilly, walk. I have very much missed walking in the last couple of years. I've done some hikes and some long walks on and off, but with no consistency. I look forward to when work and study are minimal in my life and my personal health is number one. This fundraiser was a good priority reminder. 

Day 25

Had the most lovely day today on Day 25. I went for tea with a friend and we caught up on all of life's challenges. Later in the evening, I totally forgot my other half and I had tickets to the national concert hall to see the RTE concert orchestra play musical songs accompanied by fabulous singers. It was a super day :) 

Day 24

Day 24 consisted of another sweaty HIIT session. It's always a push, always an evening thing, but I never regret it. I often get headaches, so these workouts have been a game-changer. :) 

Day 23

On Day 23, I got my hair cut! Felt amazing to literally cut the heaviness of life right off ;) It has given me a new lease of life and lots of time for smiles. 

Day 22

Day 22 - I'm injured! *Insert pain-face emoji here*. I managed to take another sunshiney 25-minute mid-day walk, but the pain has fully set in at 11 pm. Here's hoping it's just a bruise and not my muscle. Eeek. The walk was fabulous though and melted my heart a little. 

Day 21

Although I try to remind myself to give myself a break when life gets a little bit too much, I still need to get outside more! So, on Day 21, I did just that. The sky was blue, the roads quiet. It was oh so refreshing and we're down to the final week. Well done for coming so far. What a challenge this has been. 

Day 20

Day 20 involved a sweaty 25 minute HIIT session. "Out with the wine, in with the endorphins" Isn't that what they say?! As Saturdays go, it wasn't the most hectic but 25 minutes for oneself are still hard to come by. I'm glad I managed to squeeze it in. 

Day 19

If Day 19 was a weather forecast, it would have been a hurricane! Thankfully, my other half was on hand to pamper me and take me out for the most beautiful dinner. We de-briefed and I live to fight another day. My 25 minutes of self-care were spent with him. Love is so precious. Cherish it (and cycle home in the midnight air together often!) 

Day 18

Ugh. I haven't logged my progress here in a number of days so let me catch up! The saga that is "work during a pandemic" took over my life. I still managed 25 minutes of self-care every day though and on Day 18, I attended a musical and had a little cry! Well overdue. Reminder: "Life is but a journey, we know not the destination". Embrace it.

Day 17

Day 17 was a day for 25 minutes of journaling, and both literally and figuratively smelling the roses! And now, sitting cross-legged on my yoga mat has brought me immense midnight peace, but I note that none of my self-care activities have taken place before 6 pm (other than my first walk!) so I vow to get more daytime sunshine in the coming days. 

Day 16

Day 16 was boring and frustrating. "Covid, covid, bloody covid". Ok, so perhaps I watched too much news... (and Primetime!).
I also wanted to get out for a walk but that didn't happen. However, I managed to turn my frown upside down and squeeze in a 25-minute HIIT session, as well as some nighttime journaling. Tonics for my mind, body, and soul.

Day 15

Day 15 was a typical Monday, but it finished with a bang! 25 minutes of self-care in the form of a HIIT session and a couple of episodes of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. The headspace and escapism were bliss. Highly recommend! 

Day 14

Day 14 - the other side of the sesh! After a completely unplanned night out, I desperately needed some fresh air! Though it was drizzling, 8km later, I was feeling much more myself again. Never underestimate the power of letting loose and letting go. Getting back to my book tonight too. Oiche Mhaith. 

Day 13

Day 13 started out so well. I couldn't get home to Galway, so I decided to watch the rugby on TV. Well, my goodness, those 'unplanned' days are certainly famous for a reason! My 25 minutes of self-care we're spent with friends, new and old, watching some fantastic live sport and listening to incredible live music. Many laughs were shared.

Day 12

I think the hair, sweat towel, and lack of an obvious smile say it all! This 25 minutes of self-care craic is full-on! To be fair, I feel much better after it. Day 12 - I am so done with you. 
Full Disclaimer: I also had (aNOTHer) post-work nap...
Happy Friday ya'll.

Day 11

Day 11 brought me some energy for the first time since last Friday! I made use of this by taking my bum to the yoga mat at 5.30 pm for a 25-minute self-care HIIT session. No music just controlled breathing. It was really lovely. My head feels clearer! 

Day 10

On Day 10... I called my mam and I took a nap (not at the same time, obviously!). The pre-dinner call lasted 35 minutes, the post-dinner call lasted 65 minutes, and the nap lasted as long as the two! It was just one of those days. Never underestimate the power of saying to yourself "Stop. No more".

Day 9

After a terrible night's sleep last night, Day 9 was a breaking point! So my brain and I took a little break. I watched a documentary, arguably my most self-indulgent activity, and although the content was toxic, I instantly felt incredibly relaxed. Make sense of that one! 

Day 8

Some R&R on Day 8. No exercise. No cooking. No TV. Just a hot shower and an early bedtime. The only way to spend a Monday if you ask me. On a more somber note, Silcock's Base is my skin's oxygen at this time of year! Be kind to your skin.

Day 7

Ok, so in summary, this weekend was hectic! But on Day 7, I met a friend for coffee. Working from home this long is no joke and it was 25 minutes of bliss. Week two, please bring me more downtime!

Day 6

Day 6 was far less relaxed than one would have enjoyed! 
Alas, my 25 minutes were spent being grateful. I filled these two Christmas shoeboxes for TeamHope.ie. Hopeufully two beautiful girls, sadly affected by poverty, will get a nice surprise in the coming weeks. 

Day 5

On Day 5, my 25 minutes of self-care were spent on cleaning my space, smelling some beautiful flowers, getting dressed up, and going out for pizza. Ok, it wasn't the most relaxing of self-care moments, but I felt energized. Happy Friday. 

Day 4

Day 4 featured another HIIT session at 7 pm. This was a sweaty one and partially inspired by the 'Feel-Good Indie Rock' playlist I was listening to all day. Thank goodness I didn't have to listen to my heart racing, but I felt it! Post-workout smiles to you all! :)

Day 3

Today at 3 pm, I took myself out for a 25-minute walk around the local park. There was plenty going on down there. Elderly folks out playing croquet together, young kids walking home from school with their parents. One of the croquet players shouted to his teammate "Better to be lucky than rich!". One of the kids exclaimed, "For Christmas, I want my face printed on a t-shirt!". The walk did me good.

Day 2

Day 2 was another late one. 25 minutes of self-care time at
11 pm. I tend to be a late-night thinker, so no harm in taking a book out to dilute any woes with.... well, 'Contemporary Identity Politics and the Struggle for Recognition" on paperback! 
I should do this more often.

Day 1

Day 1 consisted of a 25-minute High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) session.... at 9.30 pm! I lit some candles and powered through. It was great.

What is Self-Care?

Self care is one way of looking after your mental and physical health. It's about taking time out of your busy life to find some peace and kindness for yourself. Self care can be reading, exercise, journalling, meditation, playing music. It's about being present with yourself, how you're feeling, and providing space for yourself and your health.

Thank you to my Supporters


Aine Glynn


Sean Glynn


Colm Ferrari

Take care of yoself


Eimear Hayes

Great idea to take part in this Áine 👏




Claire Hendrick

A great idea for a great cause, well done Aine❤️


Lorraine Walsh

Well done Aine x


Jamie Breslin

Well done



Super proud of you Aine! 💗👏🏼


Colm Ferrari

Well done!


Barbara Glynn